MEETING DATE: 10-09-2019 1-3 p.m. MEETING LOCATION: GTW 269
Committee: James Navalta (Chair), Steve Brown, Jennifer Pharr, Marcia Ditmyer (Emily proxy), Micha Stohlmann, Wendy Kveck, Toni Repetti, Daniel Allen, Aaron Bellow, Gangquing Jian, Maryann Overcamp-Martini, Corrin Sullivan, Gail Sammons, Amy Tureen (James proxy), Cody Gambino, Dawn Matusz
Ex-Officio: Emily Lin (Graduate College), Alexandre Goncalves (Graduate College) Ruth Garay (Office of the Registrar),
Invitees: Brendan O’toole
1. Committee Business
1. Introductions (1:00-1:10) 2. New Courses
1. ME - 793 - Graduate Training in Technical Presentation - Brendan O’toole (1:10-1:15)
Updated title (removed “Graduate”), revised course description, updated instructional mode, updated non course components, need college-level vote (Brendan will email). Steve motioned to approve, Aaron seconded. Motion passed.
2. KIN - 720 - Issues and Trends in Kinesiology - James Navalta (1:15-1:20)
Revised course description, included department and college votes which were made in the comments. Steve motioned to approve, Gail seconded. Motion passed.
3. Course Changes and Deletions
1. JMS - 798 – Thesis 2. SPAN - 720 - Critical Analysis 3. BIOL - 714 - Topics in Population and Evolutionary Genetics 4. BIOL - 781 - Topics in Population and Evolutionary Ecology 5. BIOL - 783 - Topics in Community and Ecosystem Ecology 4. Informational Items