MEETING DATE: 2-12-2020
1-3 p.m.
Committee: James Navalta (Chair), Steve Brown, Jennifer Pharr, Marcia Ditmyer, Micah Stohlmann, Yitung Chen (semester proxy Lawrence Larmore), Toni Repetti, Aaron Bellow, Ganquin Jiang, Maryann Overcamp-Martini, Corrin Sullivan, Gail Sammons, Cody Gambino, Amy Tureen,
Ex-Officio: Emily Lin (Graduate College), Alexandre Goncalves (Graduate College) Ruth Garay (Office of the Registrar)
Invitees: Donna Costa, Micah Stohlmann, Stephen Brown, Joel Snyder, Marcia Ditmyer, Brian Schilling, Maxim Gakh, Bradley Marianno, Corrin Sullivan, Pamela Burnley
1. Committee Business
1. Introductions
2. Discussion/vote on OCT syllabi: discussion on putting policies in correct place and course descriptions matching what was approved. Gail motion, Jennifer second; motion passed
3. Vote on course changes/deletions from December meeting: BIOL - 636 – Biometry, BIOL - 784 - Topics in Applied Ecology and Conservation Biology, CIL - 617 - Southern Nevada Writing Project: Invitational Institute, CIT - 643 - Designing Digital Materials for Education, CIT - 653 - Creating Digital Materials for Education, EAB - 794 - Professional Paper in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, ECO - 793 - Seminar in Economic Research, EDH - 707 - Designing & Critiquing Research In Education, EOH - 794 - Professional Paper in Environmental Health, EOH - 797 - Dissertation Prospectus, EOH - 799 – Dissertation, MGT - 710* - New Venture Creation, PPY - 733 - Building A Persuasive Argument: no discussion, Steve motion, Corrin second; motion passed
2. New Courses
1. CIE - 621 - Integrated STEM Education Mathematics Content - Micah Stohlmann (1:05- 1:10)
2. CIE - 631 - Integrated STEM Education Science Content - Micah Stohlmann (1:10-1:15)
3. CIE - 633 - Integrated STEM Education Methods - Micah Stohlmann (1:15-1:20)
4. CIE - 634 - Integrated STEM Education Curriculum and Research - Micah Stohlmann (1:20-1:25)
Considered as a bundle. All courses need to check short title (Ruth noted these may be too long). Changed when courses would be offered (Fall 2020). Steve motion, Marryann second; motion passes contingent upon providing sufficient sample reading list for each class.
5. ECO - 670 - Urban and Regional Economics - Stephen Brown (1:25-1:30) Changed when course could first be offered (Fall 2020). Added 5-0 unit vote,
noted that the equivalent undergraduate course may need to be crosslisted. Gail motion, Marcia second, motion passed.
6. *TBD - 711 Proseminar in Neuroscience - Joel Snyder (1:30-1:35)
7. *TBD - 780 Qualifying Activity - Joel Snyder (1:35-1:40)
Changed credits to “fixed”. Gail motion, Corrin second, motion passed.
8. DDS - 9261 - Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences - Marcia Ditmyer (1:401:45)
9. DDS - 9262 - Clinical Stream - Marcia Ditmyer (1:45-1:50)
10. DDS - 9263 - Comprehensive Dental Diagnosis and Treatment Planning - Marcia Ditmyer (1:50-1:55)
11. DDS - 9264 - Simulated Comprehensive Care - Marcia Ditmyer (1:55-2:00) Considered all DDS classes as a bundle. Gail motion, Corrin second, motion passed.
12. KIN - 611 - First responder and military physical performance - Brian Schilling (2:00- 2:05)
Steve motion, Cody second, motion passes.
13. EOH - 746 - Health impact assessment - Maxim Gakh (2:05-2:10) Updated description, need vote information (Max sent after: 4-0-0)
14. EDA - 725 - Quantitative Research Methods I for Practicing Administrators - Bradley Marianno (2:10-2:15)
15. EDA - 726 - Quantitative Research Methods II for Practicing Administrators - Bradley Marianno (2:15-2:20)
16. EDA - 727 - Qualitative Research Methods I for Practicing Administrators - Bradley Marianno (2:20-2:25)
17. MED - 1000 - Career Exploration Elective - Corrin Sullivan (2:25-2:30)
18. MED - 3000 - Intensive Care Unit - Corrin Sullivan (2:30-2:35)
19. MED - 5000 - Away Clinical Elective - Corrin Sullivan (2:35-2:40)
20. MED - 7000 - Capstone - Corrin Sullivan (2:40-2:45)
21. MED - 900 - Independent Study, Remediation & Research - Corrin Sullivan (2:45-2:50)
22. MED - 997 - Practicum 1 - Scheduling - Corrin Sullivan (2:50-2:55)
23. GEOL - 652 - Geophysics - Pamela Burnley (2:55-3:00)
Changed credits to fixed at 4 (MED 997). Considered all MED courses as a bundle. Gail motion, Cody second, motion passed.
Changed to 3 credit course, repeatable up to 6 credits. Gail motion, Toni second, motion passed.
Updated when courses would be first offered. Considered all EDA courses as a bundle. Steve motion, Cody second, motion passed.
Changed when course would first be offered, deleted subtopics, changed pre- requisites (graduate standing in College of Science and Engineering). Gail motion, Amy second; motion passes contingent upon providing sufficient sample reading list.
3. Course Changes and Deletions
1. MED - 813 - Primary Care Continuity Clerkship 1
2. MED - 823 - Foundations of Clinical Practice 2
3. MED - 833 - Foundations of Clinical Practice 3
5. PSY - 719 - Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience Marcia motion, Toni second, motion passes.
4. NURS - 792E - Emergency Nurse Practitioner III: Management of Critical Illnesses and Injuries