
MEETING DATE: 4-14-2021

1:00-3:00 p.m.


ID: 1208641462

Password: RFP6gQB?

(US) +1 415-655-0001 (toll)

Access code: 120 864 1462

Committee: James Navalta (Chair), Han-Fen Hu, Anthony Chen, Marcia Ditmyer, Lawrence Larmore, Sean Boyd, Gail Sammons, Daniel Allen, Jinyoung Kim, Maryann Overcamp-Martini, Corrin Sullivan, Stephanie Huff, Danica Conception, Katrina Liu

Ex-Officio: Emily Lin (Graduate College), April Fox (Graduate College) Ruth Garay (Office of the Registrar), Laina Gleason (Office of the Registrar), Sam Fugazzotto (Registrar)

Invitees: Christian Jensen, CEEC Graduate Coordinator (Pramen), Venkata Prashant Modekurthy, Ke-Xun Sun, Jacob D. Skousen


Added both department and unit votes. Updated catalog description. Dan motioned, Gail seconded. Motion passed.

Crosslisting with CEM 632 (informational item below). All CEE courses considered as bundle.

Crosslisting with CEM 651 (informational item below). Updated course offering from Fall 2022 to Fall 2021

Crosslisting with CEM 653 (information item below). Updated course offering from Fall 2022 to Fall 2021. Updated course description

Crosslisting with CEM 680 (informational item below). Updated course offering from Fall 2022 to Fall 2021. Updated course description. Gail motioned on CEE bundle, Sean seconded. Motion passed.

Updated department vote information. Removed undergraduate course as pre-req. Gail motioned, Anthony seconded. Motion passed.

Removed checkbox indicating course as a culminating experience. Updated course offering from Fall 2021 to Summer 2021. Updated course description. Removed lecture as a non-credit component. Removed undergraduate course and language indicating graduate student status from pre-reqs. Gail motioned, Corrin seconded. Motion passed.

Considered remaining EDA courses as a bundle. Added why differential tuition in the explanation field.

Added why differential tuition in the explanation field.

Updated course description to include differential tuition. Added why differential tuition in explanation field.

Updated course description to include differential tuition. Added why differential tuition in explanation field.

Added why differential tuition in explanation field.

Updated course description to include differential tuition. Added why differential tuition in explanation field.

Updated short course title. Updated pre-req to be specific to program. Added why differential tuition in explanation field.

Added why differential tuition in explanation field.

Updated pre-req to be specific to program. Added why differential tuition in explanation field. Gail motioned on EDA bundle, Sean seconded. Motion passed.

Added vote information

Added vote information

Marcia motioned on course changes and deletions, Gail seconded. Motion passed.