GCRC - MEETING DATE: 09-09-2020
1-3 p.m.
Committee: James Navalta (Chair), Han-Fen Hu, Jennifer Pharr, Marcia Ditmyer, Micah Stohlmann, Lawrence Larmore (Marcia served as proxy), James Busser, Daniel Allen, Gangqing Jiang, Maryann Overcamp-Martini, Corrin Sullivan, Gail Sammons
Ex-Officio: Emily Lin (Graduate College), Alexandre Goncalves (Graduate College) Ruth Garay (Office of the Registrar), Sam Fugazzotto (Registrar), Laina Gleason (Office of the Registrar)
Invitees: Fatma Nasoz, Corrin Sullivan
1. Committee Business
Introductions (1:00pm - 1:10pm)
Schedule of meetings: https://www.unlv.edu/graduatecollege/curriculum-committee
Committee Charges (1:10pm - 1:15pm) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F2393HXzb4aZ6pSOCUKjNDtKU7Yu9oBKObAme aim0Co/edit
Review and make recommendations on all proposals for new graduate 500-800 level courses. (178 proposals during AY 2019-2020, Mean ± SD = 22.3 ± 17.5 per meeting, range = 2 - 51)
Review and make recommendations on all proposals to change existing graduate 500-800 level courses. (143 proposal during AY 2019-2020, Mean ± SD = 17.9 ± 15.3 per meeting, range = 5 – 46)
Review and make recommendations on all proposals to eliminated graduate 500- 800 level courses.
Review and make recommendations on all proposals to renumber existing graduate courses within a program.
Guide, support, and implement Curriculog improvements, in conjunction with the Graduate College (Curriculum & Assessment Manager) and the Registrar’s Office.
Conduct a clean-up of 600-level courses, including course descriptions.
Review and provide recommendations for updating the Graduate College Curricular area website.
Consult and recommend on issues related to online graduate programs and remote instruction.
Facilitate Curriculum spreadsheets for retention, progression and completion (RPC) reordering, renumbering, and cleaning-up program curriculum.
Roberts Rules
2. New Courses
1 CS - 722 - Advanced Machine Learning - Fatma Nasoz (~1:15-1:20pm)
Updated term offered to Spring 2021.
Gail motioned James second. No opposition or abstentions. Motion passed.
Changed pre-requisite classes: B or better in CS 489 or CS 689 – special topic: Intro to machine learning.
Note: Once CS 622 is approved (and CS 422 at undergraduate level), will need to submit change form (removing CS 489/CS 689 and using CS 422/CS 622).
2. PEDS - 1300 - Pediatric Cardiology - Corrin Sullivan (~1:20-1:25pm) Updated term offered to Spring 2021.
Ruth asked Corrin to add what 3rd year courses and what 4th year courses would be considered pre-requisite classes.
3. PEDS - 1800 - Pediatric Hematology & Oncology - Corrin Sullivan (~1:25-1:30pm) Updated term offered to Spring 2021.
Ruth asked Corrin to add what 3rd year courses and what 4th year courses would be considered pre-requisite classes.
Considered PEDS 1300 and PEDS 1800 as a bundle. Gail motion, Marcia second. No opposition or abstentions. Motion passed.
3. Course Changes and Deletions
1. DEN - 7160 - Research and Professional Development I
2. DEN - 7161 - Research and Professional Development II
Gail motion, Han-Fen second. No opposition, Marcia abstained (these were her proposals). Motion passed.
4. Informational Items
1. None