GCRC Committee Workflow (Updated)
Proposals are routed through Curriculog and become eligible to add to agendas once they have reached the Graduate Course Review Committee step.
One week before next scheduled meeting
Generate agenda through Curriculog
Note: You must be an agenda administrator to generate the agenda through Curriculog. To request this access, email GradCurriculum@unlv.edu.
Add information to the notes section using the following outline as an example
1-3 p.m.
Committee Business
New Courses
Course Changes and Deletions
Informational Items
Notify the associate dean (Emily.Lin@unlv.edu), Executive Director of Admissions & Enrollment Management (Kara.Wada@unlv.edu), executive director of graduate systems and operations (janine.barrett@unlv.edu), registrar (Rosemary.Le@unlv.edu) with a CC to GradCurriculum@unlv.edu of agenda availability through Curriculog.
Subject line: 'GCRC: Please approve agenda'
You can view the agenda through Curriculog by logging into the system and visiting (insert link to published agenda here).
Once approved by the committee chair, finalize agenda and send to the committee: graduate-curriculum-committee-group@unlv.edu and to the individuals listed as the contact person on each submitted new course form.
Email to Google Group (graduate-curriculum-committee-group@unlv.edu)
Subject line: 'GCRC: Upcoming Meeting on XX/XX/XX in SU 2XX'
The upcoming Graduate Course Review Committee meeting will be held next Wednesday ([[date]]) in the student union room [[room#]]. Committee members must attend the meeting or identify a proxy. Proxies can be other members of the committee or a graduate faculty member from your unit. See the agenda for a list of committee members.
You can view the agenda through Curriculog by logging into the system and visiting (insert link to published agenda here).
Committee members should review the new courses and be prepared to vote yes or no for approval. Course approval forms and syllabi are found below the agenda in alphabetical order by course subject.
Note that the course changes (second part of the agenda) are informational only and do not require a vote of the committee. However, if anyone notes concerns regarding the course changes, they can be moved to the regular agenda for discussion and a vote.
Invitees to the meeting (CC'd on this message) should be prepared to provide a brief introduction to the new course(s) you are proposing. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please invite an appropriate representative to present the course.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Committee Meeting
Bring laptop and projector to display agenda and proposals.
Proposals can be edited in the meeting by an agenda administrator, make notes within the 'notes' section in the agenda within Curriculog reflecting any changes
Record attendance, motions and related votes in the notes section of the agenda
Post meeting
Review draft meeting minutes, ensure all notes are included and send to the committee chair, associate dean, director of admissions and records, executive director of graduate systems and operations, with a cc to GradCurriculum@unlv.edu for approval.
Subject line: 'GCRC: Please approve minutes'
Once approved, email a PDF of the minutes to the committee.
Email a notification of availability of the approved minutes and all documents within Curriculog to curriculm@unlv.edu (MED courses to Peter Kim), with a CC to the GC Associate Dean and GradCurriculum@unlv.edu. The subject line should say approved minutes and courses.
Subject line:'GCRC: Approved Minutes and Courses'
GC Curriculum Coordinator will create folder in x drive Graduate Council:Curriculum:Approved:Year with the meeting year and month (e.g., 2015.03 for the March 2015 meeting). Add approved documents.