MEETING DATE: 9-15-2021
1:00-3:00 p.m.
Committee: James Navalta (Chair), Han-Fen Hu, Sean Boyd, Heather Dahl, Lawrence Larmore, Kimberly Mellen, Gail Sammons, Alicia Rico, Mary Bondmass, Erin Rosenberg, Shichun Huang, Maryann Overcamp-Martini, Corrin Sullivan, Godson Adjovu, Amy Tureen (James proxy)
Ex-Officio: Emily Lin (Graduate College), April Fox (Graduate College) Sam Fugazzotto (Office of the Registrar), Ruth Garay (Office of the Registrar)
Invitees: Jay Shen, Patricia Cook-Craig
Committee Business
Committee Charges (13)
Review and make recommendations on all proposals for new graduate 500-800 level courses
Review and make recommendations on all proposals to change existing graduate 500-800 level courses
Proxy Form Link: Grad Committee Proxy form
New Graduate Experimental Course (X-Course) Creation Form:
To further expedite creation and approval of experimental courses, a new form has been developed. The new form maintains the standards of the original course creation form, reducing the number of approval steps.
After the technical review step, the approval is only required for the department Chair and the College/School Associate Dean before going to the GCRC.
Curriculum Forms Grading Updates:
S/F grading has been added as an option to both the course creation and change forms. S/F grading will count towards GPA. Is there a need for this type of grading? What would be the guidelines for using this option?
For S/X/F thesis/dissertation grading, faculty will only enter"X" grades until the culminating experience form is completed and submitted. Based on the culminating experience form, the final grade (either S or F) will be registered for the student.
S/X/F/ Grading as an Option for All Courses:
Is there a need for S/X/F grading for your program? What are the guidelines for using this option? NOTE: Grade-point values are not assigned for S. Many graduate and professional schools may not accept satisfactory/fail credits, or accept them only if accompanied by written evaluations of the work accomplished in such courses that bear upon the field of specialization. UNLV does not accept graduate courses graded satisfactory/fail for use in a degree program except for thesis, dissertation, or professional paper credits.
Roberts Rules
New Courses
HCA - 728 Foundations of Health Services Organization Theory (Jay Shen)
Gail motioned, Sean seconded. Proposal passed.
HCA - 738 Research Design in Healthcare Administration (Josue Epane)
Proposer was unable to attend, tabled until next meeting
PPY - 703 Administrative and Judicial Decision-making (Patricia Cook-Craig)
Gail motioned, Mary-Anne seconded. Proposal passed.
3. Course Changes and Deletions
1. AAE - 695 Special Topics in Architectural Design – Tabled for future meeting pending information from the proposer on the rationale behind course variability and adjustment of syllabus to reflect differentiation between graduate and undergraduate requirements.
2. ANTH - 649C Laboratory Methods in Archaeology
3. ANTH - 672 Hormones and Human Behavior
4. NURS - 729R Translational Evidence for Healthcare Systems
Informational Items
Going forward graduate courses will not have any information in the field called "notes" when displayed on acalog/catalog. "Notes" is a generic and ambiguous term, and if a course needs information displayed, that information needs to be in a different field, or only in the backend in MyUNLV, within the correct field, e.g. max credits, repeatability, etc. We will be deleting "notes" from the catalog display as we move forward on course changes.
Full catalog changes: term "hours" removed, only use of "credits" going forward; pronouns changed to "they/their"; term "track" removed, with use of only "subplan" going forward.
CIP code change for NUTR academic subject code: Request from NSHE. Description: This is an administrative change presented for informational purposes. The CIP code was changed from 31.1901 (Nutrition Sciences) to 51.31 (Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services). 51.31 was chosen in conjunction with college and department leadership.
4. SW 671 fixed an error on course credits, adjusting to variable 1-3.
5. EDH 610 fixed an error on course credits, adjusting to variable 1-3. Effective Spring 2022.